From The New York Times:
To the Editor:Why is it that William Kristol exhales fear as naturally as most of us exhale carbon dioxide? Now there is “something creepy” about the moniker “Generation Obama.” I guess Mr. Kristol felt a shudder of nameless dread when he first heard of “the Pepsi Generation.” The names of groups do not make them creepy; it is the ideas that the groups advance.For horror, just witness where Mr. Kristol’s perkily titled Project for the New American Century and Project for the Republican Future have led us.Paul BatselNew York, March 17, 2008On the bright side, they led William Kristol to a column in The New York Times. Which, one could argue, was the point all along. If you feel like starting your morning in a pissed-off mood, go read Jim Henley's brutal, and darkly hilarious. post explaining how he got Iraq right. And while reading it, don't only think about how much smarter and wiser and more interesting an analyst Henley is than Kristol. Think, too, about how much better a writer he is. And think about how much buzz The Times would have gotten for elevating a blogger to a columnist position. Instead, they went with the empirically disproven, clunky hack who happens to be well-known in New York intellectual circles. Sigh.