ABSTINENCE-ONLY FUNDING EXTENDED. Back in May I was thrilled to see Democrats pledging to not reauthorize Title V, one of many federal abstinence-only funding streams. Well, surprise surprise, yesterday Congress passed legislation extending Title V funding for abstinence-only sex ed through the end of the fiscal year. While mainstream media outlets were still reporting that Democrats had let the funding expire (or not mentioning it at all), the conservative groups were already busy crowing about the extension -- and rallying the Purity Ballers to ask their legislators to continue the funding past September 30. Ummm... so if Rep. John Dingell, who heads the committee with jurisdiction over Title V funding, realizes that abstinence-only has been "a colossal failure," what happened? Where were the Democrats on this? If anyone needs to re-read the Waxman report on the failures of abstinence-only sex ed, I'm happy to send them a copy... --Ann Friedman