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Founded by Robert Kuttner, Paul Starr, and Robert Reich, read the original 1989 prospectus for the magazine.
To learn more about our history, check out this 2015 piece by Starr and Kuttner, reflecting on 25 years of politics and change.
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Staff Directory
David Dayen, Executive Editor
Mitchell Grummon, Publisher
Robert Kuttner, Co-Founder & Co-Editor
Harold Meyerson, Editor-at-Large
Paul Starr, Co-Founder & Co-Editor
Gabrielle Gurley, Senior Editor
Ryan Cooper, Managing Editor
Susanna Beiser, Associate Editor
Maureen Tkacik, Investigations Editor
Tisya Mavuram, PR Specialist
Jandos Rothstein, Art Director
Hassan Kanu, Staff Writer
Luke Goldstein, Writing Fellow
Lauren Pfeil, Administrative Coordinator
Interns: Thomas Balmat, Lia Chien, Gerard Edic, Katie Farthing
Contributing Editors
Austin Ahlman, Marcia Angell, Gabriel Arana, David Bacon, Jamelle Bouie, Jonathan Cohn, Ann Crittenden, Garrett Epps, Jeff Faux, Francesca Fiorentini, Michelle Goldberg, Gershom Gorenberg, E.J. Graff, Bob Herbert, Arlie Hochschild, Christopher Jencks, John B. Judis, Randall Kennedy, Bob Moser, Karen Paget, Sarah Posner, Jedediah Purdy, Robert D. Putnam, Richard Rothstein, Adele M. Stan, Deborah A. Stone, Maureen Tkacik, Michael Tomasky, Paul Waldman, Sam Wang, William Julius Wilson, Matthew Yglesias, Julian Zelizer
Board of Directors
Amy Hanauer (chairperson); Daaiyah Bilal-Threats, David Dayen, Rebecca Dixon, Shanti Fry, Stanley B. Greenberg, Jacob S. Hacker, Jonathan Hart, Derrick Jackson, Randall Kennedy, Robert Kuttner, Ellen J. Meany, Javier Morillo, Miles Rapoport, Janet Shenk, Adele Simmons, Ganesh Sitaraman, Paul Starr, Michael Stern, Valerie Wilson
Robert B. Reich
Founding Sponsors
Kenneth J. Arrow, Marian Wright Edelman, Albert O. Hirschman, Charles Lindblom, Fritz Stern, Frank Weil. In Memoriam: Daniel Bell (1919-2011), Kenneth B. Clark (1914-2005), John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006), Sidney Harman (1918-2011), Irving Harris (1910-2004), Harry Kahn (1917-1999), Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. (1917-2007), James Tobin (1918-2002)