The war on drugs requires constant vigilance, so it's good that Florida governor Rick Scott is doing his part. Yesterday, Scott signed a bill requiring the CEOs of businesses getting state contracts to submit to drug testing. "The goal of this is to make sure we don't waste taxpayers' money," Scott said. "And hopefully more people will focus on not using illegal drugs." Kidding! The quote is real, but the people the state is forcing to submit to drug tests aren't contractors, or those getting the tax breaks Scott has pushed. Want to guess who they are? That's right -- it's welfare recipients. But I think the Florida state government isn't being creative enough here. Why not force people to wear a Scarlet P for poor, so they can feel the shame of their betters' eyes upon them every day? Or maybe they could be required to crawl on their bellies through a mud pit before they can get their benefits. Government needs to get innovative.