The Edwards team's attacks on Hillary are getting very sophisticated. Now that they've decided on a weakness -- the double talk -- they're hammering all their policy differences within that framework. An example comes in the email I just got:
"And so today, I am calling on Senator Clinton to offer specific answers to five questions of most concern to voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, and all across America."Five Questions on Iraq that Every Candidate Should Have to Answer:Question #1: Do you have a specific plan to end the war in Iraq?Edwards: YES Senator Clinton: ?Question #2: As president, will you withdraw all combat troops? Edwards: YES Senator Clinton: ?Question #3: Will you withdraw all combat troops within the first nine to ten months of your presidency?Edwards: YES Senator Clinton: ?Question #4: Will you conduct combat missions with troops stationed inside Iraq?Edwards: NO Senator Clinton: ?Question #5: Will you leave permanent military bases in Iraq?Edwards: NO Senator Clinton: ?Those are, of course, precisely the questions Clinton has been brilliantly able to muddle and slip through. Now that her evasions are an issue, however, the other candidates can make her non-answers exactly as dangerous as her answers. --Ezra Klein