Matt is probably correct, I should be a bit more cautious about gleefully predicting a split between Big Business and the Christian Right on Bush's pick for the Court. But Matt too should be careful: just because both groups want bad things, doesn't mean they want bad things in the same way. And while Bush can most likely find someone inconsistent enough to promise bad things in multiple ways, there are times when ill intentions use conflicting means.
The Christian Right's strategy has long been State's Rights warfare: they know the majority of the country is oriented against their agenda, so they try to enact it in ways that sidestep federal judgment. They change a few state curriculums, ban gay marriage on state ballots, ban civil unions on other state ballots, implement piecemeal abortion restrictions where they can, etc, etc. They want the Supreme Court to overturn the precedents that make doing this so tricky (In Utah, Delaware, and Minnesota, for instance, partial-birth abortion bans are languishing in courts). That means less federalism.