As Ezra noted, the Kentucky Senate race between Mitch McConnell and Bruce Lunsford has closed considerably. Tomorrow, Bill Clinton will appear with Lunsford at two events in southern Kentucky. Kentucky went for Bush by 20 in 2004 and by 15 in 2000, and will go strong for McCain this year, but Clinton won it in both 1992 and 1996. Clinton's visit could provide Lunsford with a serious bump.
A Lunsford victory would owe a lot to the development of the Kentucky blogosphere, part of which was profiled by Bob Moser in The Nation last year. A strong anti-McConnell push emerged around blogs such as Ditch Mitch, Bluegrass Roots, and Barefoot and Progressive. It's fair to say that getting from point A (angry bloggers against McConnell) to point B (McConnell in danger of losing) has not been a smooth process; a bitter primary battle ensued, Chuck Schumer intervened, angry words were blogged, etc. If Lunsford does manage to win, the bluegrass netroots will certainly be part of the story.
--Robert Farley, Academic Mountebank and Moral Abomination