Though he keeps denying that he's entertaining the idea of running for president, the Associated Press reports that Michael Bloomberg "may soon begin a massive operation to get on the ballot in up to 15 states," but he might not make a decision on running until May. "[A]ssociates say the mayor and his operatives are actively laying necessary groundwork for an independent campaign and are in no hurry to decide whether or not to run," according to the AP. He's already authorized his people to start planning for a campaign.
I maintain that it's all posturing on Bloomberg's part, and he's not going to jump into the race – especially if McCain and Obama are the nominees, since they'd draw the independent voters he's most likely to appeal to. And his campaign would be a vanity affair, so he wouldn't run if it looked like he'd fail miserably. But if he does, well, perhaps the race still stands to get a whole lot more interesting.
--Kate Sheppard