Mori Dinauer looks at the John McCain's most interesting potential VP pick:
On Feb. 8, a caller to The Rush Limbaugh Show asked the conservative host if there were any chance of McCain adding Newt Gingrich to the presidential ticket. Sighing audibly, Limbaugh regretfully described it as unlikely before rattling off the usual list of names of potential VPs. One stood out. "Bobby Jindal," the host declared, pausing for effect. "I did an interview with Bobby Jindal. He is the next Ronald Reagan, if he doesn't change. Bobby Jindal, the new governor of Louisiana, is the next Ronald Reagan." To be sure, Jindal isn't the first Republican in the 2008 election season to be compared to the 40th president. Yet, the way prominent figures on the right like Limbaugh paint Jindal suggests comparison with a more contemporary transformative figure, Barack Obama. The conservative movement is running on fumes -- short on both ideas and new talent, falling behind in increasingly important demographics, and suffering historic lows in popularity. Many in the movement see Jindal as the fresh face it needs to compete for the hearts and minds of a new generation of voters -- a generation that is trending Democratic in overwhelming numbers.
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