CALI VERSUS NY ON ECO-FRIENDLINESS? NO CONTEST. On a separate angle of the demise of congestion pricing, suburban triumphalist blogger Brian Beutler is crowing about New York's minor, and hopefully temporary, environmental setback. He sneers, "Mark my words, California, land of big cars and suburbs beyond the horizon, will someday have a more impressive environmental record on a per capita basis than your precious, much vaunted boroughs." That's cute. But that doesn't make it so. While California has every right to brag about its smart steps on raising auto emissions standards, New York, by virtue of its density, walkabiilty, and extensive mass transit system, will stay way below California in emissions per capita, whether or not New York ever passes Bloomberg's congestion pricing proposal. And do you think congestion pricing is coming to L.A. any time soon? Somehow I doubt it. --Ben Adler