Following up on his article last Saturday about the federal raid on the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Code (Norfed), a "sound money" organization which has been marketing "Ron Paul Dollars," the Washington Post's Alec MacGillis notes an interesting defense against the government's assertion that Norfed's goal was "undermin[ing] the United States government's financial systems by the issuance of a non-governmental competing currency":
"This argument met with ridicule over the weekend from the prolific on-line network of Ron Paul supporters and sound money advocates, some of whom sarcastically predicted that the feds would next be going after Disneyworld for selling "Disney Dollars" for use inside the amusement park. "Here is a Mickey Mouse coin issued by that criminal, separatist organization, the Walt Disney Corporation. Did someone fail Common Sense 101?" wrote one commenter on the Post's Web site, offering a link to an image of the offending Mickey dubloon. Wrote another, "With commemorative coins advertised in every Sunday newspaper, and given the Donald Duck silver coins sold at Disney Land, this is an obvious attack on Ron Paul, a legitimate Presidential candidate, by the Federal Government. I am going to respond by going to Ron Paul's web site, easily found with Google, and giving $100 today."Personally, I think it's more than a little cheeky to have one's picture on currency before even getting the party's nomination. In my understanding, it's traditional to wait until after you've dissolved the Senate and crowned yourself emperor before applying your visage to coinage. --Matthew Duss