Latts comments:
It has always amazed me that the left makes so little use of its natural resources-- after all, we have basically all of the creative classes, including writers, designers, directors, & actors, plus a solid number of technical types and many astute critics. Yet almost everything produced on our side just sucks, while the GOP frequently has better web design, photo ops (i.e., set design), commercials, etc. We have tons of professionals (evident in in the blogosphere) who, while most are willing to phonebank & canvass, could probably make substantial contributions in their areas of expertise, but no one seems to be interested.
That strikes me as right. The number of folks in the blogosphere who can design a decent web page is enormous. So why is there no routinized way for undercapitalized-but-important lefty causes to apply for some pro-bono, or discounted, help?