Enters to cheers of Hillary, embraces Chelsea, thanks New Hampshire. "I found my own voice." Huge cheers. "Let's give America the kind of comeback New Hampshire has just given me." "You helped remind everyone that politics isn't a game." "We know we face challenges at home and around the word... so many challenges." Talks about people who can't pay bills, can't afford health insurance. This is a vaguer version of Edwards's speech so far. Too many people have been invisible "You're not invisible to me." "It's time we had a president who stands up for all of you." "We're going to make our case... we're in it for the long run and that is because we are in it for the American people." Says we need to end the war in Iraq in the right way, but doesn't actually say what that is. "For the promise of America to be real we must deliver that promise" (that might not be an exact quote). Whatever it was it was a bit odd. Plugs website. Talks about America's "grit." Then segues into thank-yous, Bill, Chelsea, Mother, NH team. Says she respects the other candidates, mentions Dodd and Biden first then pauses, then mentions Richardson, Kucinich, Edwards, and Obama. Ends by thanking people who think "America is worth fighting for." Exits to "American Girl" by Tom Petty (according to a friend). If Edwards and Obama basically gave the same speech as their Iowa speeches, Clinton's was very different. She went for the big themes of change and hope and hard work in a much more explicit way than she usually does. It worked pretty well to my ears. I guess we'll find out in Nevada and South Carolina. --Sam Boyd