COLLAPSE OF THE FRONTRUNNERS. Bad news for the 800 pound gorillas of 2008 this week. Hillary Clinton, who was still attracting 34 percent of the Democratic electorate as late as last month, has fallen to 22 percent -- only one percent above Obama. That's ominous news for someone of her name recognition and reputation. And perceptions of her weakness may cement if she doesn't improve her current standing in Iowa, where she's tied with Vilsack for 3rd/4th place. Across the aisle, early news out of an American Research Group poll is that McCain's standing has collapsed among New Hampshire's independents. According to ARG's Dick Bennett, "John McCain is tanking. That�s the big thing [we�re finding]. In New Hampshire a year ago he got 49 percent among independent voters. That number�s way down, to 29 percent now.� For the overexposed such tumbles might be useful -- get them out of the limelight for awhile, as happened to Kerry in 2004. But the cameras won't abandon McCain or Hillary. Their weaknesses will be broadcast, talked about, trumpeted, amplified. They could be in third place and would still receive the coverage of frontrunners. And that's a dangerous thing. --Ezra Klein