A DECADE OF DUNCES. Sunday was the 10-year anniversary of the formation of the Project for a New American Century, and the publication of its Statement of Principles. Signatories include many of the usual suspects -- Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Francis Fukuyama, and Lewis Libby -- as well as a few surprises like Jeb Bush, whose older brother and once notable opponent of nation-building is tellingly absent. How quietly PNAC's anniversary came and went, no? No parades, nor even so much as a reflective op-ed -- at least so far as I can tell from a quick Lexis-Nexus search. (The list of founders is hardly short of chest-thumping self-promoters, mind you.) Of course, none of the 14 American servicemen killed in Iraq during the first three days of the month survived long enough to salute the visionary brilliance of the PNAC'ers. Happy 10th, fellas! --Tom Schaller