The Washington Times Wes Pruden on President Barack Obama (via Thinkprogress):
It's no fault of the president that he has no natural instinct or blood impulse for what the America of “the 57 states” is about. He was sired by a Kenyan father, born to a mother attracted to men of the Third World and reared by grandparents in Hawaii, a paradise far from the American mainstream.
Kathleen Parker said pretty much the same thing during the election last year. I've already expressed my feelings on people who believe being "American" is a genetic exclusivity that belongs solely to whites, and I won't repeat those arguments here. I'll just note that it's still OK in 2009 to make the argument that white people are the only "true Americans" in major newspapers, even with a black man in the White House. No, especially because there's a black man in the White House. For some reason, suggesting that black people as a whole aren't really "American" is justified because it's seen as a personal attack on the president, rather than what it really is: soft white nationalism.
But hey, these days, you can drop n-bombs like loose change or refuse to marry interracial couples "for the children" and not be a racist. There are no racists in America, except for people who think that Americans of color should be entitled to the same rights as those with the white skin "blood impulse" of "real Americans."
-- A. Serwer