DONOHUE'S NEXT MOVE. Not surprisingly, the Catholic League is unsatisfied with Edwards' statement. This is not over. Not by a long shot. Says Donohue:
Edwards said today that �We�re beginning a great debate about the future of our country, and we can�t let it be hijacked.� I have news for him�the Catholic League�not Edwards�will decide what the debate will be about, and it won�t be about the nation. It will be about the glaring double standard that colors the entire conversation about bigotry.
We will launch a nationwide public relations blitz that will be conducted on the pages of the New York Times, as well as in Catholic newspapers and periodicals. It will be on-going, breaking like a wave, starting next week and continuing through 2007. It will be an education campaign, informing the public of what he did today. We will also reach out to our allies in the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist communities. They worked with us before on many issues, and are sure to do so again. What Edwards did today will not be forgotten.