THE ENEMY WITHIN. For George WIll it includes labor unions. His recent column is an elegant plea on behalf of corporations and against the proposed Employee Free Choice Act which would allow unionization of a firm without the secret ballots currently required. Will believes that unions are pure evil, and by pretending that I knew nothing about the topic I was almost convinced by his prose until I came to this bit:
Today's work force is marvelously flexible. People entering the labor market at age 18 will have, on average, 10 employers by the time they are 38. Such mobile workers often do not see what value union membership would add to their lives.Imagine that! Those flexible workers just planning to change employers every two years or so! To keep life interesting! No wonder they have no use for unions. But ... if this is true, why Will's concern with this whole issue? Happy transient workers are not going to check those cards for union representation, the system the proposal would use.For a different view on the whole issue, see this post on MyDD.
-- J.Goodrich