In 21 months, during hundreds of speeches, town halls and debates, I have kept my promise to level with you about my plans to reform Washington and get this country moving again.
McCain has yet to explain what his plan is to end the War in Iraq, or even describe what victory looks like. Politico wrote a story about the lack of specificity in his policy proposals. Also, if "level with you" means "be honest with you," he has not been very honest at all, launching numerous false accusations at Barack Obama.
We have all heard what he has said, but it is less clear what he has done or what he will do. What Senator Obama says today and what he has done in the past are often two different things. He has often changed his positions in this campaign, and the best way to determine where he would really take this country is to examine where he has tried to take it in the past. ....
McCain has flip-flopped on the Bush tax cuts, deregulation, the economy, the Colorado River compact, the experience needed to be president, the Future Combat System, lobbyists, and on how many homes he owns, among other things.
Even after he refused to lift a finger to prevent this crisis, when the crisis hit, he was missing in action. He didn't start making calls to round up votes until after the rescue bill failed in the House and the markets crashed. We continue to see the price of delay today as the markets continue to fall. Today the DOW has fallen below 10,000. And yet, members of his own party said they felt no pressure to vote for the bill. Why didn't Senator Obama work to pass this bill from the start? Why did he let it fail and drag out this crisis for a full week before doing a thing to help pass it?
Obama was on the record as early as March 2007 identifying the problems of the crisis. McCain's own actions had a detrimental effect on the legislation. Democrats voted overwhelmingly for the bill both times; it was House Republicans who failed to bring the necessary votes to pass a bipartisan bill ... after John McCain promised that he had brought them to the table.
I have made every single donor to my campaign publicly available, while Senator Obama has taken in over 200 million dollars from undisclosed sources. We have already seen the potential for fraud because of his refusal to disclose his donors. His campaign had to return $33,000 in illegal foreign funds from Palestinian donors, and this weekend, we found out about another $28,000 in illegal donations. Why has Senator Obama refused to disclose the people who are funding his campaign? Again, the American people deserve answers.
All of Obama's donors are available for public viewing at the Federal Election Commission website, and the various offshoots that make its data easier to mine. John McCain has returned $1.2 million in campaign contributions, including $50,000 from foreign nationals.
-- Tim Fernholz