You occasionally have folks speak truth to power, but you rarely have folks in power speak truth. The closest you get is folks who once had power speaking truth. You see it a lot with past presidential candidates, and in Israel you saw it in Ehud Olmert's outgoing interview where he lambasted Israeli attitudes towards the peace process and its "megalomania" on security, and now you're seeing it from former Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo who has partnered with Brookings to publish a report calling the US drug war a total failure.
Contrary to government claims, the use of heroin and cocaine in the U.S. has not declined significantly, the report says, and the use of methamphetamine is spreading. Falling street prices suggest that the supply of narcotics has not declined noticeably, and U.S. prevention and treatment programs are woefully underfunded, the study says."Current U.S. counter- narcotics policies are failing by most objective standards," the report says. "The only long-run solution to the problem of illegal narcotics is to reduce the demand for drugs in the major consuming countries, including the United States.
You can read the full report here. No one in power will listen, of course, because they all remain subject to the same forces that buffeted Zedillo during his presidency, and led him to keep his mouth shut on America's insane drug war for the duration of his tenure.