The news that Sam Brownback will drop out of the presidential campaign takes some of the punch out of my linking to this, The Jerusalem Summit, a group that advocates the transfer of Palestinians ("voluntarily", of course, just like the 700,000 Palestinians who "voluntarily" transferred themselves from their homes in 1948) from Israel proper and from lands conquered by Israel in 1967. What does this have to do with Brownback? He's on the group's executive committee. And to think, this man almost came within not a thousand miles of being president! Chilling. But look who else is on that committee: Rudy Giuliani's Middle East adviser Daniel Pipes. I wish I could say I was more surprised that Pipes is associated with a group that believes that the key to peace between Israelis and Palestinians is moving the Palestinians out of Palestine. Maybe somebody should ask Rudy about that. --Matthew Duss