by Nicholas Beaudrot of electoral Math
Via Oliver Willis (whose mom thankfully seems to have avoided the worst of Hurricane Dean), NBC will air Countdown with Keith Olbermann prior to this Sunday's NFL preseason game. Perhaps, with enough success, The Legendary K.O. might end up as a semi-permanent or permanent fixture on Sunday nights, a sort of 60 Minutes for the 21st Century.
If you live in a Nielsen household, do your part and watch. Part of Olbermann's appeal is that he bashes Bush, but another part is that he just doesn't take BS from either party; nor does he allow an "objectivity" fetish to force him into a false sense of balance. One can only hope that high ratings for Olbermann will lead nightly news directors to ape his style, if not his apparent partisanship. Or, if a station wanted to get really experimental, they could ditch nightly half hour program in favor of an hour long news program twice a week that had fewer, longer segments.
But I am just some guy with a web site, so what do I know.
—Signed, not ezra Klein