We've had a lot of great moments at The American Prospect over the last year. Remember when Tim Fernholz told the entire lefty blogosphere to chill out? Or how about Sarah Posner giving you the inside scoop on what the religious right was up to every week? Remember when Mark Schmitt laid out the “Real Americans” playbook in May, before Sarah Palin was a twinkle in Steve Schmidt’s eye, or Dana Goldstein bagged an interview with veteran protester and Ron Paul partisan Adam Kokesh right after he disrupted McCain's speech at the Republican convention? Ezra Klein revealed the mystery behind Max Baucus, and Sam Boyd told you what those squiggly lines meant. Ann Friedman showed us how to get more women in elected office, and Phoebe Connelly broke down Jon Burge for those of us who'd never been to Chi-Town.
I know you love this stuff. I love this stuff. It's why I couldn't be happier to work at The American Prospect. It's more than a magazine. It’s like this gigantic brick wall where all these great liberal writers and reporters have tagged their name. Whether it’s big dogs like Bob Kuttner and Paul Starr, seasoned vets like Josh Marshall or Jon Chait, or youngbloods like Ezra Klein and Matthew Yglesias, the Prospect has history.
But the Prospect needs to have a future, too. And we need your help. In the spirit of the season, we're asking for your (tax-deductible) donation to help keep our blogs, Web journalism and print magazine going. And if you like our work as much as I think you do, you should really consider helping us out. Because with the Prospect, you know your money will never end up as evidence in an FBI criminal complaint involving a conspiracy to buy an open Senate seat. It just goes to funding the in-depth, snarkalicious, policy-heavy liberal journalism you love. And isn't that a [bleep]ing valuable thing?
-- A. Serwer