Do candidates have an actual plan to leave Iraq? Gibson: If the military commanders came to you and said Iraq would be destabilized if we left, you'd do it no matter what? Clinton: Yes. Military is awesome, but they don't set policy. Plan to start to withdraw in 60 days, pressure of withdrawal will make Iraqis take responsibility. Says in the past the military has publicly opposed what politicians By far the best answer of either candidate so far. Gibson: Are you saying you know more than Petraeus? Clinton: Um, you're a moron (not really, but I wish). Gibson: Same q as to Clinton to Obama. Obama: The president sets the mission, the soldiers carry it out. Currently people have been getting that wrong. I'll listen to commanders with respect to tactics once I've provided mission to leave. "The buck stops with me." Says situation is greater than Iraq. We don't have a strategic reserve. --Sam Boyd