Over at the Motherblog, Dana suggests that governor of New York wouldn't be a bad consolation prize for Hillary Clinton. Matt Yglesias responds that being a celebrity Senator from New York isn't bad either, and also has lots of job security. I'll remind folks that back in August of 2006, I was arguing that Clinton would make an excellent majority leader in the United States Senate, and on some level, I still think that's true. It may be that she's burnt too many bridges in the body, and it's hard to imagine a President Obama supporting such a nomination (at least unless it was a deal made now to ease her out of the race), but her actual record -- not the pretend one that she talks about while running for president, where she single-handedly created S-CHIP and the FMLA while dodging sniper fire in Bosnia -- suggests she's knowledgeable about policy, adept at working across the aisle, and tireless in pushing for incremental legislative progress. And while some of her more hardnosed political instincts seem a bit unseemly when deployed in a Democratic primary, they may work quite well in the Senate.