HILLARYCARE 2.0? Hillary Clinton proves surprisingly brutal in taking down a questioner who accuses her of supporting socialized medicine -- and she seems to have fun doing it. It's great fun to watch. Clinton has a much more natural fluency with the details of health policy than do the other candidates, and her willingness, in this video, to forthrightly defend universal systems based on the advantages of uniformity and the performance of Medicare is an optimistic sign that she may be more willing to fight on this issue than she's yet demonstrated. You know, I was in a green room with a really prominent Democratic consultant recently, and he said that Hillary could win this primary by simply coming out for Medicare-for-All and staking her campaign on her experience and commitment to health reform. I agree with him, and think, moreover, that she's one of the few with the credibility and knowledge to make a move like that. Additionally, it would destroy the one serious argument against her campaign, which is that it's timid and less likely to offer real change than Edwards and Obama. I don't think she'll come out for anything even close, but watching that video, it's hard not to wish otherwise... --Ezra Klein