Daniel Radosh does some excellent yeoman's work, noticing that yesterday's New York Times story saying that "even in the best of times, Mr. Kerry’s face hung droopy and funereal, one of the most weary in American politics," doesn't quite track with the record:
Here are some descriptions of him from 2001 to 2004.
"He is an attractive man, handsome." — Brit Hume, Fox News
"matinee-idol handsome." —Larry J. Sabato, Center for Politics
"Kennedy-like charisma" —Iowa City Press-Citizen
"Charismatic" —R. Emmett Tyrell Jr., New York Sun
"Do you have the charm and charisma and oratoric ability of John Kerry?" —Chris Matthews (to Joe Biden) MSNBC
"eloquent and highly charismatic" —Oakland Post
"handsome blue blood" —US News & World Report
"an extremely handsome man with a head chiselled from marble" — Nicholas Lemann, The New Yorker
"He's tall, he's attractive, he's charismatic" —Bill McInturff, GOP pollster
"Handsome man. Lot of charisma, that guy." — Joe Kernan, CNBC
"Tall, handsome" —Daily News
The Press: For John Kerry's looks before they were against them.