Few phrases promise as much concentrated hilarity as “John McCain poster contest.” Indeed, the results are as, ahem, brilliant as one would expect. The first submission, with its “God-in-the-Heavens” imagery and “Peace Is Born of Wisdom” mantra, has already been roundly mocked, but let’s not forget the other gems here.
This one looks like the poster for the inevitable Oliver Stone biopic of McCain, and this copies a style with proven effectiveness -- Obama’s. This one portrays McCain watching himself just as attentively as he’ll have the NSA watch you, while this one promises “Integrity We Can Trust” as opposed to “Integrity That’s Filled With Lies”.
But my favorite has to be this one, which encapsulates both McCain's almost instinctual belligerence and his total cluelessness about religion:
The reference, of course, is to “raising Cain”. Given that Cain is the progenitor of evil in Abrahamic tradition, this promises to be a somewhat controversial campaign pledge.
--Dylan Matthews