In a charming turn of events, Fox News commenter Liz Trotta riffed off Hillary Clinton's poorly worded invocation of RFK's murder to muse about the desirability of assassinating Barack Obama:
Trotta: "And now we have what some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama, uh Obama. Well, both, if we could."She was joking, of course. Or at least, she sort of was. The clip is below, you can judge the levity of the comment for yourself:If I were the Obama campaign, I'd be all over Fox. I would game out exactly how Fox would react to such a joke about, say, General Petraeus, and use that as my template. If I were the Clinton campaign, I'd take the Obama campaign's response and triple it. This is genuinely gross stuff, and it's giving oxygen to the fever dreams flitting through the most dangerous crevices of our polity.