By Pepper of the Daily Pepper
Claude Allen, who recently resigned as George II's top domestic adviser, has been busted for shoplifting. At Target.
His method was more subtle than Winona's at least: "'He would buy items, take them out to his car and return to the store with the receipt,' the police said in the statement. 'He would select the same items he had just purchased and then return them for a refund.'"Allen is accused of stealing $5,000 worth of goods. If he spent most of his time at Target, that's a lot of Charmin. Even if you went buckwild in the electronics department, it would be difficult to steal that much from Target. What was he buying?
The Montgomery County, Md., press release notes: "Throughout 2005 he obtained refunds for items ranging from clothing, a Bose theater system, stereo equipment, and photo printer to items valued only at $2.50." At least Winona was plucking designer duds from Saks Fifth Avenue! Bush minions can't even shoplift right!