The final few episodes of Entourage were a return to form. This season has been rough because it lost sight of the show's central premise: This is a fantasy. And in most fantasies, things go well. For most of its life, Entourage understood that, and things went better than well. They went absurdly well. Aquaman outgrossed Spiderman. Eric dated Sloane. Johnny got a TV gig. This season, however, was full of problems and pathos. Happily, it ended. Well. Very well. Improbably well. So next season should be a return to form. Of course, when you make everything a fantasy, you lose something in realism. And so it is that Jerry Ferrara's character, the pudgy Turtle, is dating Jamie-Lynn Sigler, who played Meadow on the Sopranos. Frankly, that's a pretty long leap, even for Entourage. Only it turns out that having met on the set of the show, Sigler and Ferrara are now dating in real life, too. Entourage imitates life, and life, it turns out, imitates Entourage.