- After watching the premiere of the new American Gladiators last night, I have to say I'm a whole lot less impressed with the primary process. Imagine if Barack Obama had to fight Wolf or Hillary Clinton had to get past Hellga (yes it's spelled with two Ls). And I'd love for any Republican to tangle with Justice. Since that isn't going to happen, we'll have to be content with tomorrow's New Hampshire primary, where polls show Obama and John McCain are the prohibitive favorites. Somewhere deep beneath Washington the shadowy head of the media conspiracy is petting a cat and saying "good... good."
- While the Democratic race is fast becoming a bit boring, the Republican side is still wide open. Mitt Romney isn't going to be out of it even if he loses New Hampshire, and Mike Huckabee is still around as well. Indeed, there's reason to think Romney hasn't fallen as far as the people like Chris Matthews hope. And I bet he doesn't think Canada is governed from a rapidly-melting National Igloo like Huckabee apparently did at one point.
- On the Democratic side, as Dana reported earlier, Clinton is throwing everything she can find at Obama and not that much of it is sticking to Obama because for the most part it's not... what's the word? True. That's actually a refreshing change in primary politics.
- I usually don't blog about poll results in the Lightning Round because you can use Pollster.com just as well as I can, but a Marist College poll has an interesting result. Obama is now viewed as more electable than Clinton, which vindicates what a lot of liberal pundits have been saying about how his victories undermine her campaign themes.
- In other interesting poll results, Obama has a 54 percent favorable rating among Republicans while John McCain has a 60 percent favorable rating among Democrats.
- Got questions about the NH primary? CQ has answers.
- Finally, as sure as the sky is blue, puppies are cute, and DC is unbearable in August, Andy Rooney is a nasty curmudgeon. On the last 60 Minutes he spent his segment complaining that the names of presidential candidates of both parties are too ethnic. Really. I'm becoming increasingly convinced CBS keeps him on for comic relief.