- Meet The Press anchor Tim Russert has died unexpectedly of a heart attack at age 58.
- Barack Obama is sending his Iowa organizational guru, Mitch Stewart, to Virginia. It's another sign he intends to make the state competitive this Fall.
- A Diageo/Hotline poll [PDF] shows that while 30 percent of Obama voters would prefer a different candidate, 45 percent of Republicans prefer someone else to John McCain.
- In addition to lining up big Clinton donors to contribute to his campaign, Obama has also dispatched over 3,600 volunteers to 17 states for six weeks of full-time work on the campaign. Marc Ambinder has details on what those volunteers will actually be doing.
- Scandal surrounding Countrywide loans has engulfed several of the political class, including Senators Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Chris Dodd (D-CT), the latter of whom will likely lose his place in the veepstakes as a result.
- John McCain calls yesterday's Boumediene v. Bush Supreme Court decision "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country," tries to rally disaffected Clinton supporters to his side, and apparently has over $100,000 in credit card debt.
- Colin Powell hints at supporting Obama in November.
- Senate 2008: Rasmussen has a poll showing the Norm Coleman up by only 3 points against Al Franken in Minnesota and another showing Democratic Challenger Kay Hagan falling 14 points behind incumbent Elizabeth Dole in North Carolina.
- And finally, political divides rock California's first family.
--Mori Dinauer