- Mark Penn is no longer Clinton's chief strategist, but he may retain a fair amount of influence on the campaign.
- Holly Yeager makes a fantastic point I haven't seen elsewhere -- Barack Obama's money advantage is important not just because it allows him to spend more money, but because it frees him from spending much of his time raising it.
- I've had long days, I've been tired, and people have mocked me but, unlike John McCain, I've never called anyone a trollop or a cunt.
- Man, this is just absurd. A recent statement by Hillary Clinton marks, by my count, the third time she's publicly discussed trying to poach Obama's pledged delegates. Her campaign's repeated denials just aren't working like they used to.
- Ezra has a chart underlining just how little progress Clinton has made with superdelegates and how much Obama has. Of course he started out behind, but he's close to catching up.
- Salon.com recruits a nationally famous historian to argue that if the democratic primary process operated under completely different (and equally arbitrary) rules and yet both campaigns had run in exactly the same way and gotten the same number of votes in each state, Clinton would be winning. 'Cause that's so relevant.
- McCain will convene a meeting of his doctors to discuss his age. Not really something I'm guessing he wanted to have to do.
--Sam Boyd