- So Obama won. Again. Even though his 17 point victory in Wisconsin was the smallest margin he’s won by since Feb. 5 he continues to make inroads in Clinton’s key demographic groups, continues to expand his delegate lead, and continues to improve his chances of winning on March 4. How exactly that will play out is of course unclear, but it seems to me that an Obama sweep finishes Clinton for good while a victory in any state, though far from putting her on the road to the nomination, at least lets her limp onwards in the hopes of adding more victories.
- As much as I find it almost physically painful to disagree with Mark Schmitt, if Clinton wins most of the states after March 4 in a convincing way I don’t think it’s crazy to imagine that she wins with the help of superdelegates even if she hasn’t made up the gap in pledged delegates. And really, that wouldn’t be particularly illegitimate in my mind. A series of big wins would indicate that she’s changed the dynamic of the race and that, if earlier states were to vote again, she might win more of them. All of this is most likely moot though—I just don’t see the kind of comeback she’d need happening. Also Matt Yglesias is right that all this talk about delegates, even if true, certainly doesn’t help Clinton.
- A new pro-Clinton 527 launches an ad in Ohio promoting Clinton’s economic plan. That's same economic plan Clinton accused Obama of stealing.
- In a just world this Hendrik Hertzberg piece would end the ridiculous “plagiarism” kerfluffle (though then I’d have fewer opportunities to use the world kerfluffle which would just be sad for everyone). Of course, in a just world this malarkey wouldn’t have been in the papers at all (this topic just attracts all the great words). Also, Clinton’s claim that her campaign isn’t pushing the story is just not true.
- An Obama surrogate is totally unprepared and ends up embarrassing himself and his candidate. This being the 21st century and all, he blogs about it and lists some things he should have mentioned if his mind hadn’t gone blank. It’s actually a hilarious post and it kind makes me like the guy—it’s not something I can see most politicians writing.
- The notoriously wine-swilling teamsters endorse Obama.
- Apparently Obama is not only a Muslim coke dealer, but a communist as well. It’s nice to see the classics are still around.
- Clinton plans to scale up her negative campaigning against Obama. We all remember how well that worked for her the last few times she tried it. Oh wait …
- The Obama campaign has new fund-raising email noting that they have 900,000 unique donors and asking for another 100,000 to make it 1 million. Pretty amazing stuff. See the full text of the email in the extended text.
- John McCain argues that Obama is too hard on terrorists. Really.
- Karen Tumulty has a fascinating post pointing out that it’s almost certain that no canidate will accept public financing for the general election because the FEC has been shutdown for the most part by a standoff between the president and the Senate.
- The DNC prepares to attack McCain.
- Ana Marie Cox has some interesting thoughts on campaign coverage. Joe Klein responds.
--Sam Boyd