- As long as only one party is serious about addressing climate change, and the public remains convinced we can do this without cost, we should expect worst-case climate scenarios over the next century. Ezra Klein has a few ideas about what to do in the wake of Lindsey Graham's abandonment of his own bill.
- The dust has barely settled in Nevada, but we already know this about Harry Reid's opponent Sharron Angle: She's into water fluoridation conspiracy theories, believes the Department of Education is "unconstitutional," and thinks environmental deregulation will avert oil spills. Aren't politics this year fun?
- Nate Silver calls a study claiming conservatives and libertarians are more economically literate than liberals "junk science," primarily because the poll questions used test little more than assumptions about a world governed by a neoclassical economic model. It has about as much explanatory power as the number of people who are currently buying copies of The Road to Serfdom.
- Remainders: To reiterate, there is no grand "meaning" behind yesterday's elections; Stanley Fish on the virtues of a classical education; Tea Party electoral successes in convenient chart form; John McCain makes a funny; and clearly, 1,200 words were insufficient to criticize women's basketball, so here's another 1,800.
--Mori Dinauer