- Responding to Wesley Clark's comments on the relevance of John McCain's POW years to the presidency, Orson Swindle, who was imprisoned with McCain, mocked Clark's service in a campaign conference call today. The McCain campaign moved quickly to clarify that it "was not an attack on his service."
- The my.barackobama.com group dedicated to pressuring Obama to change his position on FISA now stands at over 8600 members and counting, poised to become the second largest group on the site despite being formed less than a week ago.
- The NRA plans to spend $40 million attacking Barack Obama this Fall.
- The NY Times reports on Obama plans to expand funding for faith-based community service work. Unlike President Bush's efforts, the Obama plan would require greater transparency to qualify for federal money.
- A Gallup poll finds 49 percent or voters "very concerned" that John McCain would follow the policies of George W. Bush as president.
- The Boston Globe reports that the biggest Bush donors from 2004 are still hesitant to open their wallets for John McCain.
- Avi Zenilman asks in the Politico whether Drill Now -- the Newt Gingrich-inspired advocacy group that supports lifting the federal moratorium on offshore oil drilling -- is the conservative answer to MoveOn.
- Public Policy Polling [PDF] has Obama up by 2 in Florida, 46-44, while Strategic Vision shows McCain up by 6, 49-43 and Rasmussen has him up by 7, 48-41 in the Sunshine State.
--Mori Dinauer