- Clinton really did raise $10 million yesterday online.
- This awesome flowchart shows how to predict whether a county will vote for Obama or Clinton based on its demographics.
- Karen Tumulty ably describes three likely ends for the Democratic primary. Though of the three, I'd guess a fight all the way to Denver is actually less likely than an end she doesn't mention, i.e. enough superdelegates endorsing in May to end the race.
- Taegan Goddard expands on a point Kate made yesterday -- even though Clinton won more delegates than Obama in the PA race, she actually needs a greater percentage of the remaining delegates than she did before.
- Matt Yglesias, Noam Scheiber, and Mori all have good posts pointing out how flawed much of the discussion about primary results and electability is. Also see a list of metaphorical approaches at Slate.
- Some ads paid for by Freedom's Watch are essentially direct copies of ads paid for by the NRCC which is potentially illegal.
- Indiana is demographically equally favorable for both Clinton and Obama.
- To further clarify what Rob Farley wrote earlier, Matt Ygelsias writes that Clinton doesn't actually support a gas tax holiday, she has just cleverly tricked people into thinking she does without actually lying. Neat trick that.
--Sam Boyd