Rush Limbaugh has a problem. Earlier today on his show, he asserted that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, "committed socialist" was "slobbering" over President Obama and that if he continues, he will eventually "come down with anal poisoning and may die from it."
This isn't the first time Limbaugh has used this particular euphemism to describe political dynamics he doesn't approve of. In 2005, Limbaugh blasted then RNC Chair Ken Mehlman for reaching out to the NAACP and apologizing for the racist "Southern Strategy," saying that "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles." In June of last year, he described the Democrats as "bend[ing] over, grab[ing] the ankles" and "saying have your way with me" to black folks and gays. In September, he described Sarah Palin's resistance to the troopergate investigation as refusing to "bend over and let them have their way," the "them" being Alaska politicians. Then most recently, he said of President Obama that "we are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles ... because his father was black."
I'm sort of at a loss for words, other than to say that Limbaugh clearly has a serious fear of being violated, and maybe he should talk to someone about it.
-- A. Serwer