This, apparently, is not an April Fools Joke, because the letter below was written on March 29, and we're talking about People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a group with noble goals but not much in the way of a sense of humor. The Tenderloin district of downtown San Francisco is notorious for its prostitutes, heroin addicts, and hotels with hourly rates. The city has been trying to clean it up, and the good folks at PETA offered their suggestion in a letter to the mayor:
Dear Mayor Lee,I am writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 2 million members and supporters, including thousands in the Bay Area, with an idea that could help revitalize the struggling Tenderloin district: rename it the "Tempeh District." By discarding an outdated moniker that evokes the horrors of the meat trade, you'll be sending a strong message to progressive businesses and health-conscious residents that this neighborhood is ready for a fresh start.
Tempeh, a protein-packed food made from soybeans, is a healthy, cruelty-free meat substitute. In contrast, tenderloin comes from real suffering.
I love San Francisco, but this is what happens to progressive activists when they live in a place with no Republicans. Without conservatives to fight, they end up waging battles over the silliest things. Allow me to make a bold prediction: There will be a story about this on tonight's episode of The O'Reilly Factor. Because nothing makes conservatives more sure that they're right about everything than laughing at stupid hippies.