Below, Tim notes that John McCain can't remember how many houses he has at a time when even Americans with good credit are concerned about foreclosure.To be fair, McCain typically can't remember his position on important political issues either, like say, his position on lobbyists. Yesterday, in an interview with The Politico McCain called lobbyists "birds of prey" and, according to The Politico, "vowed to enforce a lifetime ban on lobbying for members of his administration." Of course, this presents something of a problem for McCain, whose entire campaign is staffed by former lobbyists, (including former agents of foreign governments who are now crafting his foreign policy). This didn't stop him from telling the newspaper, "Lobbyists don’t come to my office."
No, they just work there.
It's a good thing McCain's not an out-of-touch elitist who can't relate to the day-to-day concerns of the average American because he's black and goes on vacation in Hawaii.
-- A. Serwer