McCain enters to some very familiar music I can't quite place. It sounds like the theme to some old TV show, but I can't figure out which one. Supporters are chanting "Jack is Back." Says he's too old to be a comeback kid. Each generation can build "another better world." My friend Lindsey: "he sounds like my grandfather... only evil." He really sounds like he's reading. "Before I win your vote I must win your respect." More specifically, he sounds like he's reading a children's book or is heavily medicated. There's also a strong Stuart Smiley quality to his voice. He's criticizing Washington... A long riff on why voters send politicians to Washington (hint: he thinks it's not to spend money). Supporters start chanting USA! USA! These chants are suspiciously well-coordinated. "Whatever the differences between us" we should be united... especially by an "unpardonable foe" that hates "modernity itself." I didn't realize the U.S. was facing militant Luddites. "In this great historic task we will never surrender -- they will." Congratulates all the Democrats, not by name. "They have my genuine respect." Says he has a responsibility to "do nothing in this campaign" to harm interests of American "solemn trust." This is the one to watch on youtube tomorrow of the ones I've seen so far, if only because his affect is so weird. As the same friend says he sounds like he's trying to be as grandfatherly as possible. Exits to Johnny be good which I recall was a campaign song for the Kerry-Edwards campaign. --Sam Boyd