Next Monday, May 19th, the Prospect is hosting an event for Sarah Posner, author of the FundamentaList and the new book God's Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters. A brief description:
While the “old guard” of the Religious Right political movement faces challenges to its leadership and significant changes within the broader evangelical community, lesser-known conservative religious leaders continue to wield significant political influence. Journalist Sarah Posner covers religion and politics for The American Prospect. God’s Profits takes a close look at a group of religious leaders who aren’t household names nationally but who have strong followings in the “prosperity gospel” movement, and who have put their organizing muscle to work helping to elect Republicans to office. Among those she examines closely are John Hagee and Rod Parsley, who have drawn recent attention for their connections to Sen. John McCain’s presidential bid.
The event will be moderated by Jane Hamsher, founder of Firedoglake and features Posner as well as Prospect Executive Editor Harold Meyerson, Robert Marus, News Editor and Washington Bureau Chief of the Associated Baptist Press, and Peter Montgomery, Vice President for Communications of the People For the American Way Foundation. The event will run from 1:00 to 2:30 PM at the People For the American Way Foundation, 2000 M St, NW 4th floor Washington, DC.
To RSVP click here.
--The Editors