Okay, I've long repeated the New York Times' finding that Hillary Clinton was Congress's second-largest recipient of health industry money. According to Media Matters, that report was bullshit:
the number includes donations from individual health care professionals, such as nurses and doctors, and neither Thrush nor the Times noted that if only health care political action committee (PAC) donations were considered -- that is, donations from the actual health care "industry" -- Clinton drops off the list of top 25 congressional recipients of health care industry money entirely.[...]
According to an updated Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) analysis of Clinton's campaign contributions -- which includes the contributions Clinton received for the entire 2006 cycle -- if contributions from individuals who are employed in the health care sector are excluded, Clinton would not even make the list of the top 25 congressional recipients of contributions from the health care industry for the 2006 election cycle. It is only when contributions from individuals are included that Clinton jumps to second place. This information and these rankings are updated on a quarterly basis by the CRP.
So it appears that that funding was an artifact of Clinton simply raising a lot more money than anyone else, and a certain number of rich people who donate to her are...doctors. The folks you'd worry about largely operate through PACs. Good to know.