Governing is serious work! The Earth itself is at stake! (I'm glad Nancy Pelosi isn’t too self-conscious to talk bluntly about it.) From a Politico profile of the speaker:
With fewer than 20 legislative days before the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1, the entire appropriations process has largely ground to a halt because of the ham-handed fighting that followed Republican attempts to lift the moratorium on offshore oil and gas exploration. And after promising fairness and open debate, Pelosi has resorted to hard-nosed parliamentary devices that effectively bar any chance for Republicans to offer policy alternatives.“I'm trying to save the planet; I'm trying to save the planet,” she says impatiently when questioned. “I will not have this debate trivialized by their excuse for their failed policy.”
And more good stuff…
“Listen,” she laughs, “I go on the floor of the House every day and deal with people who don't want to give health care to poor little children in America. We're trying to get a job done. This is a giant kaleidoscope. One day you and I are on the same side. The next day it's the two of us against you.”
—Dana Goldstein