As far as I can tell, Fred Barnes can't talk while Karl Rove is drinking water. So I take what Barnes writes seriously; it tends to ripple out directly from the epicenter of the GOP's message machine. This week, he's graced the Weekly Standard with a glowing profile of Jeb Bush. Cover line? "The Best Governor in America." Bush, it turns out, is a preternaturally gifted executive, a mind that combines Einstein's genius with Feynman's lyrical brilliance, and a totally superior person, able to deny his friends and content himself in his station. He also possess X-Ray vision, but never uses it for lewd purposes.
What does this mean? Not sure. The tension of the piece is that Barnes desperately wants this man to run, but the taint of the brother is, for now, too strong. There are rumblings of a McCain-Jeb alliance, but Barnes finds them unfounded. And yet, Jeb is just so damn...good. Look at this decontextualized policy achievement! And here's a quote from someone who loves him! Weird stuff. And if you start seeing more of it, pay attention.