By Neil the Ethical Werewolf That's John Edwards' lead over John McCain in the latest Rasmussen head-to-head poll. Good will following the cancer announcement undoubtably helped him, but it's a much larger lead than I would've expected him to have at this juncture. By comparison, Rasmussen's most recent Hillary-McCain poll, released 9 days ago, has her trailing McCain by 7. And now we find ourselves on the last day of the fundraising quarter. The amount of money that comes through in the period ending today will do a lot to tell the media who the serious candidates are. If you'd like to point them to the candidate with the best ideas on health care and global poverty, the boldness to push these ideas through Congress, and the widespread appeal to win a general election, the hours before midnight are essential. I'm going to my donations page right now to toss in another $100 -- please click on the link and help out!