In our April issue, Lauren Foster highlighted some of the ways the economic crisis is hurting nonprofits. While the focus was specifically on philanthropies, her piece hit a little bit close to home. As a nonprofit, the Prospect is vulnerable to the economy's vicissitudes and partially reliant on the generosity of -- hey, PBS -- readers like you!We work hard to give you quality coverage of serious policy matters, and we need your support to fund this effort. For a few examples of what we've done recently, take a look at Adam Serwer's reporting on detention policy, Tim Fernholz's take on the U.S.-China relationship, and Matt Yglesias' commentary on Afghan politics. And never let it be said that breadth gets sacrificed as we strive for depth -- we published Paul Waldman on liberalism and zombie films, too.As Dana has stressed, there's no place quite like the Prospect. We place a high value on smart analysis and rigorous reporting. And given that you're reading us, it seems you do, too. So show it! Please make a tax-deductible donation to the Prospect today. We're a major voice for a healthy and just economy -- help keep us loud in an economy that isn't quite either of these things.--Alexandra Gutierrez