Well, this is one of the more encouraging things I've read on Alito and Roe. Turns out the guy's probably just really, really, really conservative, but maybe not crazy. That's comforting, but shouldn't change the Democratic calculus at all. One thing that's been a bit surprising to me is that liberals seem unwilling to demand the sort of regard you'd think 48% of the population (and a majority of voters in Senate races) would command. If Alito proves to be on the far end of the conservative spectrum during the hearings, Democrats should be fully ready to represent their constituents and demand a more moderate nominee. In fairness, given the numbers, the appointed judges should tilt very slightly right, not be inches away from a lunatic ideologue. Dole made this argument in 1992, Bush ignored it in 2000, and Democrats should demand it in 2004. The American people are a fair group of folks and moderation tends to be their preference. If Alito is merely extremely conservative rather than totally crazy, Democrats should still put up a fight -- that's what about half the country keeps electing them for.