In response to a question this morning on how Democrats should talk about immigration, Nancy Pelosi endorsed -- as Barack Obama did last night -- keeping the focus on "comprehensive immigration reform." Although President Bush and Congressional Democrats were united earlier this year on passing an immigration bill that included a path toward citizenship for currently undocumented workers, Bush "didn't understand what it took to get a bill through the Congress, even with his own party being the obstacle," Pelosi said. Calling herself a "devout Catholic," the Speaker said she's been talking to members of the clergy about modeling from the pulpit respectful ways of speaking about immigrants. In response to Tom Tancredo's new TV ad portraying an undocumented immigrant setting off a bomb at an American store, Pelosi said, "This terrorist thing is cheap, but they do that, and it's working." She continued, "How many people in America think they've lost their jobs because of trade and immigration? Many more than who have." The key to overturning these perceptions, she said, is providing more economic security. Pelosi also talked about the importance of diversity. "I feel sorry for people who go home and don't see the diversity I see every single week [in the Bay Area]," she said. --Dana Goldstein